The school year is almost over. Although this is a time for celebration for most students and parents, there are those who are filled with uncertainty if they'll be back the next school year due to poverty. Such is the case of these youths. Most of them out-of-school for a year and some longer.
As a sign of gratitude to the good Lord and in honor of the people He used to help me with my own education, I committed a huge portion of the sales of Eating With One Chopstick limited, hardbound edition to Bring Them Back to School Project. I vowed to help 10 young people in Bicol finish high school by providing for their basic expenses such as tuition fees, baon, school supplies, books etc.
Whenever you buy a copy of the hardbound issue of Eating With One Chopstick (P500) part of the sales will go to their high school education.
Whenever you tell your friends about EWOC, you bless not only these kids but family members living in solo-parent homes as well.
Whenever you promote EWOC, you also support local publishers and local authors like me!
If you're interested to buy in bulk or even just a piece or if you want me to talk to your church or organization about Bring Them Back to School Project or sign some books, just let me know by e-mailing me at
Many thanks and Dios Mabalos!
You got an award and you’ve been - - God bless!