Let me do some retracing… After the launch of my first book Eating With One Chopstick last September, the DZAS team went to a retreat and planning last October, by November until late December I was occupied with hosting duties, then came the Christmas festivities. Before the year ended I went back to the US for the second time and now my hands are full again with fiancee visa application and wedding preparations. Whew!
Don't get me wrong though, I'm grateful for work and I feel doubly blessed that I'm doing what I love. And I am in no way complaining for what has transpired the past few months. I am very PLEASED to announce that I'm getting MARRIED and I will soon be with the man I love. But I will save that for another post. ♥
So for now, here’s a number of pics as proof (more like excuses for not posting) of what the last quarter of 2010 has been like to me. Have fun!
Hosting Kumustahan sa Karuhatan with Ptr. Jay Banzuelo
Pagsamba't Papuri launch and concert at CCF
Hardin ng Panalangin booklaunch (Ptr. Joey signing books)
Hosting CLC Malolos opening (with CLC staff)
Christmas party with cancer patients in Pampanga
Recording the DZAS Christmas jingle
Green Team visiting our partners and listeners (FEBC Karoling)
DZAS dinner (c/o Ptr. Eric Maliwat)
Hosting Kuya Melvin and Ate Lorna's renewal of vows
DZAS exchange gift (a.k.a. Shembot party!)